The publication of patent specifications is an essential part of the patenting process. Patent specifications must set out the full technical details of how an invention works. To date, over 37 million patents have been published world-wide and around 1 million new ones appear each year.
This makes patents the largest single body of technological information available anywhere. Most of this information cannot be obtained from any other source. Patents also provide useful commercial information which gives an insight into what new markets your competitors are developing and which countries they see as providing their main markets as shown on https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-support-inventors/.
Documents and Information Required to File a Patent Application in US:
Name and complete qualification of the inventor or inventors;
Name and complete qualification of the applicant;
Inventor Document of transferring patent rights to the applicant (in case of the company be the owner of the rights of the patent developed by a employee or by somebody else);
Complete description of the patent object with designs that can be capable to show all the structural and functional aspects of the product or process (if needed);
What is know in the corresponding market;
All the advantages of the invention regarding what is know in the market;
If the patent already was requested in other country less than one year and to claim the first deposit date priority, is need official certificate of patent request with number, date and title;
Power of Attorney. Visit https://twitter.com/inventhelp for more information.