What are Dust Mops Made Of?
Cotton – Cotton dust mops are usually the least expensive. When used in conjunction with a good dust mop treatment these mops are great for picking up fine dust and small debris. These mops are launderable but won’t hold up as well as a blend.
Cotton Blend – These mops are ideal for health care and for general-purpose dust mopping. Most blends a launderable and don’t lint.
The 3 Parts Of A Dust Mop
Dust Mop Frames – Dust mop frames come in many sizes ranging from 6″ to over 100″ for special applications. Frames are usually made from steel or stainless steel and should match the size of the dust mop you have. Larger frame sizes are great for wide halls or large gymnasium type areas.
Dust Mop Handles – The main type of dust mop handle on the market is the quick clip end handle. These handles un-clip quickly so that you can use one dust mop handle more multiple sizes of dust mops. The most common handles are made from wood with a metal clip end. Sizes on these handle range from 54″ to 60″. Ergonomic dust mop handles are becoming more popular and conform to a normal sweeping motion better than straight handles. Ergonomic mop handles can help cut down on user fatigue and injuries.
Dust Mop Duster – There are many types and styles of dust mop heads. Dust mops dusters can come in assortment of colors for specific tasks. The two main types of dust mop dusters are looped and cut end. The two main styles of dust mop duster are tie and clip fasteners. Dust mop dusters come in many styles and colors, additional info here.
Types Of Dust Mops
There are five common types of dust mops as you can see below:
- Looped End
- Cut End
- Clip Style
- Tie Style
- Micro Fiber Dust Mops
Types Of Finish Mops
Floor Finish Mop – Finish mops come in a range of sizes and ply’s. The main function of a finish mop is to absorb the floor finish and release it onto the flooring. A good finish mop will have a gradual release of the finish so that it coats the floor evenly. Most common sizes of finish mops are small, medium and large. Ply’s can range from a 2 ply mop to an 8 ply mop. The more ply’s that the mops has the more finish it can absorb. Most finish mops are rayon or a rayon nylon blend. Cotton is not a good choice because it can release lease into the finish and when the finish dries it becomes hard to remove.
Block And Pad Applicator – The block and applicator pad uses two wooded or plastic blocks secured together to hold an applicator pad. Blocks range in size from 6″ to 36″. Applicator pads come in synthetic lambs wool or genuine lambs wool. The floor finish is applied in the same manner as sweeping a room with a push broom.
Nylon Applicator Systems – New on the market is the nylon floor finish applicator system. This system Delivers 200-300 sq. ft. of coverage with a single mop load of finish. This system is great for large jobs such as cafeterias, long hallways and gymnasiums.