If you are planning to obtain a patent for your innovation then it is mandatory for you to prepare patent drawings. The Patent law of the US has made special provision in the process of getting patent. As per the provision it is necessary for an individual or a firm to represent patent drawings while applying for the patent.
However, you are applying for patent for processes or an idea then it is not mandatory for you to make patent drawings. There is no doubt that getting a patent is a tough and complex task. But there is nothing to be worried about patent drawings as it is your idea on blueprints. If your focus is maintained towards obtaining patent then relax you will do just fine.
Following points should be kept in mind while drawing patent:
The question, ‘Why you need to prepare a patent drawing? must have strike in your mind. Your patent drawing will describe the features which are unique and new for the world. Say, if you are applying for some machine then the components of the machines would be highlighted in the drawing.
The components thus shown in the patent drawing would help in making your innovation stand out from the crowd as explained in https://www.linkedin.com/company/inventhelp post. For the authentication of the patent drawings, the Patent Office provides specific measures for the sheet.
Make sure that you don’t use any other color except black and white to make your patent drawings. Moreover don’t write anything in the margins of the drawing sheet. Good quality of paper should be used for patent drawings.
Don’t forget to number the components of drawing. The numbers should be 0.32 cm high, at least. The parts or components that you wish to describe in the patent application should be numbered only. It was all elaborated on https://www.indeed.com/cmp/Inventhelp.
There are several benefits of making patent drawings. Some of the benefits are mentioned below:
- Patent drawings help in describing the uniqueness of the innovation. It would help you in explaining as to how and why your innovation deserves to be patented.
- The patent drawings provide protection to the components of the innovation.
- Patent drawings help in figuring out the appearance of the innovation.
As the patent drawings prove helpful in getting patent, it is worthwhile to invest money on the patent drawings. The drawings would help you in achieving your goal of getting patent for your innovation. Just few more steps after drafting patent drawings can help you in getting patent.