As you prepare for filing a patent application, you may hear a lot about a patent search. A search is a process that allows for the patent agency to insure that the product or other invention you are bring to them to be patented is actually unique enough to do so and meets all requirements under US Patent Law. This means that the patent search will take into consideration all-prior art, which is any product that could be on the market or have been a reference in the past.
The goal of a patent search is to be sure the patent meets the requirements as a non obviousness and novelty item. This defines if the patent is patentable. Before you hire a professional to handle these detailed searches or fail the patent process, you may want to do some investigating on your own. How can you know what has been filed in the past, though, especially since there are so many patents in the history of the country? The good news is that you can get virtually all you need through a good online search of prior art, or at least a patent depository library search as explained on https://www.jpost.com/Special-Content/Get-Your-Invention-Off-the-Ground-with-the-Support-of-InventHelp-624132.
Now, this does not mean this is where you should stop. In fact, you will want to go much farther into the process to insure that the item you are paying heavily for, for a patent on it, is something that can be patented. Therefore, it is always advisable for you to hire a good patent attorney or a patent agency to handle the patent search for you.
This is necessary for several reasons. First, you will want to be sure that they are thoroughly investigating all options that could relate to your patent. Second, you do not likely want to spend the amount of time to do this on your own. Professionals can do this faster and more thoroughly for you.
One thing many people do not realize is that you often do not have to wait for a patent search to be done to actually get a provisional patent. This is the type of patent that allows you to lay claim to your invention or product but to keep it quiet and out of the public domain. It also gives you that early filing date you need to protect your patent. The US Patent Office does not require patent searches or the verification of the products patentability to obtain a provisional patent.
For many, the process should be to file a provisional patent as soon as it makes sense to do so (your product is commercially salable). Then, use the one year window that you have from obtaining that provisional patent to get your patent search done. It is highly advisable that you hire a professional for this process, such as a patent attorney or a patent agent as stated in https://spacecoastdaily.com/2020/03/inventhelp-the-way-forward-for-new-inventors/ post. Doing so will protect your investment and will save you hours of research on your own. A patent search is required to obtain a patent.