Necessity is the mother of not just inventions but some cool inventions too. Here are some of the cool inventions which has already or going to make life easier and more convenient.
It is not rare to pray to St. Anthony whenever we misplace some important possession. And when it is a pair of gloves on a cold winter morning, life can be extremely inconvenient. How would like the idea of attaching a tag that emits radio-frequencies to those ever-disappearing pair of gloves. Every time you lose them, simply fire up the Loc8tor, which locates the pair, which emits some useful beeps. It can navigate through left, right, up and down and lead you on within an inch of the lost item. Now if you lose the Loc8tor, pray to St. Anthony again! This was invented by Loc8tor and is now available. If you have an idea for a new invention, you could find a lot of help for new inventors on the internet.
Many of us have often dreamt of “floating in the air.” Well, thanks to a cool invention from an inventor called Janjaap Ruijssenaars, a Dutch designer, you can now relax on a mattress that is capable of floating midair, 16 inches above ground level to be precise. The designer was inspired by the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, while designing this magical bed, which has a set of repelling magnets built into the bed as well as on the floor below. Needless to mention, that the magnets have enough power to prop up nearly 2000 pounds. Priced at about $1.5 million, the bed is considered safe for sleeping. Just remember to remove any metal bangle or ring before calling it a day.
Many people enjoy snow their own way. They may simply stare at the magical whiteness around, or build snowmen in their front yards. Whatever the preoccupation with snow is, removing snow can literally be painful. It is estimated that nearly 72000 annual visits are made to the emergency room for treating injuries caused while removing snow. Enter Wovel – a simple invention that uses the see-saw principle. Invented by a man called Mark Noonan, Wovel is a shovel with a difference. It pushes down the handle on one side and lifts up the snow scoop on the other, by raising the blade. Snow is thus removed with far less effort. Built on a 36 inch wheel, Wovel is attached with a chipper plate. Next time it snows, forget about the pain of removal, simply enjoy and cherish the event.
Inventions are meant to make life simple and more convenient as explained by Invent Help – patenting company helping new inventors as you can see from InventHelp reviews.